Friday 23 September 2011

10 Ways to Keep Air Clean at Home

Aim for fresh, healthy air
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is serious, but there’s no reason you can’t enjoy life after a diagnosis.

“COPD stands for two processes that almost always occur together: chronic bronchitis, which is inflammation of the airways, and emphysema, which is destruction of the fine substance of the lung,” explains Norman Edelman, MD, chief medical officer of the American Lung Association.

Take these simple steps to keep irritants out of your airways. They can help stop trouble before it gets started

Avoid wood-burning fireplaces
Wood-burning fireplaces—charming and romantic as they may be—produce particulate matter that can get into your lungs and make it harder to breathe.

“Wood-burning fireplaces put out soot and carbon,” says Len Horovitz, MD, a pulmonary specialist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City.

“There’s nothing in there that’s a good thing for a patient. There’s no inhalant that’s worse than smoke.”

Keep the dust mites away
Like humans, dust mites like to burrow into mattresses and bedding. “Dust mites are a trigger for asthmatics and people with COPD and should be kept to a minimum,” Dr. Horovitz says.

He recommends using mattress covers and pillowcases that are bed-bug proof, which usually means they’re mite-proof as well. And pick pillows that are made of foam rubber, not goose-down or feathers.

Washing your linens in hot water (above 130°F) at least once a week will also keep the dust mites at bay, Dr. Edelman says.

Steer clear of smokers
Smoking causes about 85% of COPD cases in the United States, says Dr. Edelman. But whether or not you smoked before you were diagnosed, you’ll need to stay away from secondhand (or firsthand) smoke.

“Smoking and secondhand smoke are absolutely to be avoided,” Dr. Horovitz says.

It’s no secret that kicking the habit is really, really hard. But if you have COPD and smoke, the stakes are higher than ever before. Quit and you’ll prevent further damage; don’t and the disease will progress faster.

check the rest by the side post.

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